5 Things To Successfully Scale Your Business

Knowing your competition. I am watching everything that’s happening and asking questions. I try to learn from others mistakes.

John G Louis Of Acuforce On 5 Things You Need To Know To Successfully Scale Your Business

Startups usually start with a small cohort of close colleagues. But what happens when you add a bunch of new people into this close cohort? How do you maintain the company culture? In addition, what is needed to successfully scale a business to increase market share or to increase offerings? How can a small startup grow successfully to a midsize and then large company? To address these questions, we are talking to successful business leaders who can share stories and insights from their experiences about the “5 Things You Need To Know To Successfully Scale Your Business”. As a part of this series, we had the distinct pleasure of interviewing John G. Louis, LMT, Founder & CEO, Acuforce International, Inc.

John G. Louis, LMT, is a 42 year veteran massage therapist who began his career working with professional athletes in 1980. He has been a part of 2 national championships including as the therapist for the Chicago White Sox baseball team in 2005. He has 15 patents and he owns an award winning therapy clinic is Winnetka, Illinois.

Thank you for joining us in this interview series. Our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your ‘backstory’?

After I finished my training in massage therapy in 1980, I was fortunate enough to enter the world of professional sports. In all I worked with 5 teams and I was a part of 2 championships. I made a strategic decision to open a clinic in 1989. I loved working fulltime with professional athletes, but the travel was becoming less desirable. I still operate my successful clinic in Winnetka, IL and I employ 5 other therapist. I began creating therapy devices in 1999. My new product, The Hall of Fame Massage Tool is my newest and I believe my most exciting…

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